I talked to Steve some and asked about the addition of a Wednesday GPBC ride. He said the reason for the additional night for their Show and Go ride was that one of his friends couldn't make the Thursday night ride, and asked to have something on Wednesday. I told him about the teamFIRE ride - he didn't seem aware that it was a ride for beginners, saying that "I thought those guys were all racers". He obviously hasn't seen me wearing the coveted green jersey :).
I couldn't make the Wednesday ride because we went to dinner with some friends to the Black Crow in Beatrice (great food) and couldn't ride Thursday night because we went to the Oven for dinner with some other friends (even better food, and the last night before our coupon expired). So today I headed out Hiway 2 to Bennett, and then came back through the Roca Rollers to Hiway 77 - then home on 14th for about 38 miles. It was kind of nice to do a little longer solo ride, but boy do I feel slow and sluggish right now (cause and effect - see above about eating too much good food). After reading Adrian's blog post about committing to losing 15 lbs, I think that sounds like a good idea for me, too.
About 4-5 years ago I was about 45 lbs. heavier, started cycling and watching my diet, and got down to 155 by the summer of 2005 (I'm 170 now, still 5 lbs. lighter than I was when I got married in 1984). Although I was riding a heavy Trek hybrid in '05, I think I felt quicker and lighter then than I did out there today. So, in keeping with Adrian's resolution, I hereby pledge that I am going to lose those 15 lbs. of winter weight by the beginning of the Tour de Nebraska.
I am starting today - so while the bike got to go to Mamasitas, I stayed outside and avoided the burrito rest stop.