The weather and schedule dictated otherwise. I did get a nice 40 mile ride out through Bennett and the Roca Rollers last Saturday. Weather, rehearsals, and gigs kept me from riding for most of the rest of the week. The weather did break a little Wednesday, so I headed out with great anticipation for the second teamFIRE ride of the season - only to sit by myself at the bench, wondering why I didn't ride earlier in the day if I was going to end up doing a solo ride.
Fortunately, just as I was ready to get up and take off, Nicol showed up. We headed south, where we picked up Megan (IHG) and headed out for a nice ride, We were joined by a flock of turkeys and (electronically) by Loupy-G, who phoned Nicol to find out where she hid his skittles.