A friend of mine popped over to say hi and to show off his new bike yesterday -- A Raleigh Chopper.
Got me to thinking of my old bike as a kid -- a Schwinn Stingray Fastback, complete with the ball shifter. The bike looked identical to the one shown in this pic, right down to the campus green color and silver metallic banana seat. I remember feeling like I was on cloud 9 riding that thing around during my grade school years. That stick shift rocked!!
The thing is, I'll bet it's sitting back home somewhere as my mom tends to be a pack rat. I gotta check to see if it's still around. Be great to revive that bike for my little boy in a few years if he isn't too appalled riding "Dad's old bike."
Yeah, I had one of those Schwinn 3-speeds with the banana seat - and baseball cards in the spokes.
I never did the baseball card in the spokes thing. Why, I don't know cause I collected a bazillion baseball/football cards.
Did you have a Topeak Road Morph attached to it, bob k? ;)
Best pump ever!
Did you have racks, panniers, and fenders on your Schwinn?
Racks and panniers, no (my funds were tighter). Fenders -- of course!
I still have a scar on my elbow from when I crashed that bike in 5th grade racing a bunch of neighborhood kids around an empty parking lot. Totally tore up my jersey and bibs, too.
I love paneers!
I saw Kevin's friend and bike (from a distance) when I brought a little present over to Janna and Gravys' pad. :)
Nicol -- it was just your size. You shoulda taken a spin!
Was it? I should have. :)
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