It has been a busy month and an especially busy week last week, so I need to catch up on my blog posts. I haven't been out riding much - tried to make as many teamFIRE rides as I could, and just one Wilderness Perk ride. I started the month out judging the Harvest of Harmony marching band competition in Grand Island. No riding that weekend.

My wife and I both had car problems during the last couple of weeks, so I decided to do a little commuting on my Trek hybrid a couple of times. I envy you guys who can do this all of the time - when I drive I miss little things like this tree:

Interestingly, when I got to the other side of the tree, I noticed that it was having a little trouble making up its mind as to whether or not fall is really here (either that, or it is suffering from bipolar disorder):

Last Saturday, I went out on the Wilderness Perk 8 am ride - along with Craig, Trevor, Matt, and Barry (all much stronger riders than I). We took a little different route this time - heading past Cortland out to the road that goes east from 77 towards Adams for about 6 miles, then turning back to the north to go through Firth, past Norris H.S., and then through Hickman on 68th street. I got dropped between Firth and Hickman, but didn't feel too bad as these guys were obviously much faster, and even riding solo for the last 15 miles, I still held an average of about 18 mph for the 55 mile ride.
Today, I tried out the new teamFIRE kit on a short ride (about 30 miles) out to Bluestem and back.

I like the new design - the extra white and the mint green stripe looks good. Not sure if I like the chamois in the bibs as much as the one in my Performance Ultras, but it wasn't too bad. The jersey fits pretty well, I'm glad that we were able to try them on as I never would have ordered a race cut XL based on their sizing chart.

All in all, a nice day to ride, if a bit windy - very tough going out, very fast coming back (hit 42.6 mph coming down the hill on 77 south of Saltillo). Hopefully the nicer weather will hold for the next couple of weeks as I have the last week in October off for fall break. Anybody who is up for a daytime ride during that week - let me know.
Let's do it!
I'll keep an eye on the weather and keep in touch - maybe we'll know by this weekend what the weather will be like next week.
That's cool your kit fits. I am not so sure mine does. :S
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