It was Avery's last ride in Lincoln, so a number of us ended up at Las Margaritas for a farewell party. Good luck, Avery!

Saturday morning, I went downtown to watch friends race - starting with Adrian and Father Tucker in the Cat 5 race.

This guy was a definitely a crowd favorite. Not sure what was in the rear rack bag - a six pack? Takeout from Runza?

Later in the day, my wife and I rode down again to watch the rest of the races. Another great moment - when the Cat 4 men's field was lining up to race, and was addressed as "Lady and Gentlemen" and the whole field turned around to look at Janna.

By the way, this is what happens to you after racing two back to back crits:

Congrats to Adrian, Father Tucker, Loup Garou, Janna, Kim, Megan M, Megan N, Anna, and mountain bike guy for their performances in the races on Saturday. You were all fun to watch, and inspired me to get up early this morning to fight a 25 mph headwind out to Cortland. Also, thanks to Kew for the cookout Saturday night - good friends, good food, and a great time!
Thanks Kew! Great backyard, disco and fun company.
Thanks for the cheers Bob! That was my favorite comment of the day as well! It was great to see so many people out supporting a local event too.
Yes, thanks again Kew. The grillin' and company were excellent.
Thanks also to all of you who came out to cheer. It truly was an "excellent day."
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