Monday, September 28, 2009

ho hum

What's everybody been doing?

I've been off the road bike for awhile. Strictly a commuter now, and that's cool with me. I've got plenty keeping me busy.

A little birdie told me a couple people were bummed about not getting an FAC invite last week so let me explain:

I only had time for a quickie (beer, that is) and since I knew Gravy always has a few anyway on Fridays, I decided to go minimalistic. It wasn't a full-fledged FAC, you see. The whole thing lasted 25 minutes so I didn't feel it warranted a big announcement/invite. You know I wouldn't forget my FAC peeps.

Now ride safe out there.


nicol said...

It was GRAVY-birdie who spilled the FAC beans. :)))

I've been walking. And, eating mushroom dip.

Bob K said...

I've been driving. And eating french onion dip.

kevin said...

That Gravy. He's an elusive bird.

KimC said...

I've just been waiting for FAC invites... :(

nicol said...

Oh, this made the KimmyC sad. :( Now I am sad.