Last winter, my wife and I ate breakfast in Chicago at a table next to
this guy - who was in Dumb and Dumber and was also featured on a recent episode of The Office. Last Saturday, my son ran into Joba Chamberlain and shook his hand at the NU-OU game, and before the game, my wife and I saw this guy driving around the Haymarket:

Five points goes to the first person who guesses who this was.
Larry the Cable Guy? ??
Nope. Good guess, though :)
Winsley or whatever from teh Miller HIgh life commercials.
Five points for Gravy.
I thought about being that guy for halloween and showing up and hauling the beer out of the bars just like that guy.
"Hell no, you can't serve miller high life with little umbrellas in them!"
That would have been high-arious.
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