Seems like when it comes to my playing, bookings definitely run hot and cold - I will be extremely busy for a while, then I'll go weeks with nothing. I'm coming up on one of my busy times during the next five weeks (you can see my performance schedule on the right), with a gig about every five days or so.
When this happens, I find myself eating out more and exercising less - here's to hoping I have the discipline and energy to avoid that trap this month.
Sunday - installed new handlebars and taped them, then rode 45 minutes on the trainer. Weight 179, so no change there. I was busy all day Saturday and missed out on a great day to ride - I'm sure a number of you got out this weekend.
If you're not busy, the stretch of gigs for me starts tonight with the Monday Night Big Band at Brewsky's in the Haymarket - come on down.
You get handlebars for the Surly? What style?
Actually, for my road bike - FSA Pro Wing Compact. I may put my old road handlebars on the Surly. Haven't decided yet.
What was wrong with your old handlebars?
You're starting to sound like a racer dude.
Too small and uncomfortable in the drops. Plus, I just had winter upgraditis.
You actually use the drops?
Mine are just for show.
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