Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Who's riding tonight?

Enquiring minds want to know.


Bob K said...

Wind is out of the southeast - I am sensing a ride thru the rollers, closely followed by margaritas.

BTW, I have seen no retribution for da terminator's post yet. Not going soft, are ya?

nicol said...

I saw retribution and then it was removed? Were you feeling some "blog vulnerablility," Silo? If so, I can relate.

I am planning on riding. So, it's Las Margaritas this evening for your bender?

kevin said...

As my neighbor I have to treat da term with kid gloves.

Bobk, on the other hand, is fair game!

If at all possible, I'd like to avoid Hwy 2 eastbound -- that's the worst. Lots o traffic, horrible shoulder, turn lanes -- yuch.

gravy said...

I read this!

gravy said...

I've read it twice now.

kevin said...

It's better the second time isn't it?

We're awaiting an answer to the original question...

gravy said...

1. yes, it's better.

2. yes, kew is going soft. Is that an innuendo?