Here are some pics from recent rides on the Roca Rollers - Adrian probably took the ones that I am in. In the second pic, you'll notice that I am observed from the usual perspective of valiantly trying to catch up with the group (I am on the right). Some of the photo subjects are reluctant to have their pictures taken, and insist on remaining anonymous.

My thoughts on this pics:
1) Gravy looks better with a black square on his face.
2) Bob, did you ride your rode bike in jeans? Bonus Fred points!
3) I still have a man-crush on Phil.
4) I feel out of the loop by not being on Facebook.
KEW - i always knew you were "that way".
1) no comment
2) Yes, I am Fredilicious. Gave me a saddle sore, though. Looking forward to getting that Surly for those kind of rides.
3) See Adrian's comment.
4) So join already!
Adrian, regarding your comment to Kew:
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