Today I finally was able to get in a good solo ride out to Cortland in the morning before the heat and wind got too bad. Cortland is busy getting ready for the 4th.

On Saturday, I went with the Wilderness Perk 8 am ride to Crete. Either there are more racers on this ride pushing the pace, or I was just feeling crappy and couldn't keep up, but I was OTB by the time we got to Bluestem lake. Gravy was nice enough to stay back with me, and we caught the group at the Kramer cutoff and headed into Crete as a group. After a short break, we headed back up the highway, but I got gapped again, which I compounded by throwing a chain. Gravy and Kim stayed back this time, and we headed through the Denton Alps to get back to Lincoln, while the rest of the group went straight back to 77 on Roca road. A short detour through the new Bridges development was interesting. After the ride we met up with Janna at Mi Guadalajara for some Mexican food on the way home. A good ride, even if I did feel weak and tired most of the way.

Cool! BTW -- you riding Wednesday?
Yep, I'll be there. Trying to decide which ride I want to do this weekend - the teamFIRE Seward ride on the 4th, the GPBC ride to Wilber on the 5th, or just go freelance. Do you have any plans?
I want to get a couple of good rides in this week because I'm going to be gone all next week.
Believe it or not, I'm a racer this weekend. Bobbie wants to do the duathalon at Pioneers Park (run 4 miles/bike 12 miles/run 4 miles). She's the runner. Apparently, I'm the biking entertainment.
Oh the humanity...
Hey! I am doing that too! I know quite a few people doing it. Should be fun. I need to register still so thanks for reminding me. See ya there.
Cool Nicol! Not sure what I'm getting into. My wife really wants to do it, so I'm just filling my role. My goal is just to get through it without crashing, making someone else crash or walking up a hill.
Wave when you go by me!
BTW Nicol -- you doing it as a team? who's doing the running stage?
My brother's wife is the runner. I hope I can still register. I am still looking into that part, since I am a procrastinator. I may or may not be there actually. To be continued...
When is the duathlon and is it too late to register?
It's Sunday -- you can still register -- July 3 is the cutoff. Here's the link:
I'm in!
The guy I talked to (listed in the link as the "contact person") said this year they have a record turn-out for it. Around 25 teams registered.
Instead of running, can you substitute nine holes of golf?
Great! see you on the track, RacerGirl! (BTW, can I draft off you the first two laps) ;)
Bob, I don't believe golf was optional.
OK, Racer Boy! You can draft, no problem. We won't be competing against each other anyway, since I am on a woman's team and since you're not female, your team would be a male/female team. :)
On another subject: I just got back from an unbelievably windy ride alone. I would guess about 30 mph winds. Anyone do the teamFIRE ride tonight? I bet y'all went to the airport and back, while silly moi went to Roca and then north on 77 on the way back. Ugh.
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