We were joined later by Jen, Nicol, and potential new member Katie? (horrible memory for names, sorry) after the ride at the Fox restaurant for chalices of beer, followed Gravy, Kevin and I heading for margaritas at Las Margaritas. I went home before the other two as I (unlike Gravy and Kevin) am not living the bachelor life this week.

Two other items - several people were asking about my bib shorts - I got them from Hammer Nutrition. They are made by Voler, and use the top of the line chamois that they have in their $120 bibs. Hammer nutrition sells them for $49. You can find them here.
And finally - several of us are heading to Hallam this Saturday - leaving Wilderness Perk at 8:30 am. We may stop in Cortland for a little breakfast at the bar and grill there. Let me know by responding if you want to go and we'll look for you at Wilderness Perk.
look at me, I figured out how to post on the blog. good times last night! those scooners really do the trick.
Great ride guys -- see ya Saturday!
Thanks for the link, Bob. When I'm in the market for shorts, I'll check 'em out.
Snoopy approves of this post.
Thanks, Snoopy.
You guys were talking about a stat counter for the blog - I installed one at the bottom of the page this morning - same as as on FFL's blog. Check it out.
Just for the record: that was not my drink I was holding up. It was the first thing I could find to hide behind.
Jen was the first thing I could find!
You had already finished yours, so you had to borrow Kevin's, right Nicol?
Pictures don't lie, Nicol.
You people and your chalices.
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