The only unusual part of the ride occurred about mile 28, a little ways away from Adams. As we headed down a hill, I finished a pull, drifted to the back of the line, took a drink, and stood up to stretch and to re-arrange my chamois. Suddenly I was on the ground, looking at the sky. Looking back on the crash tonight, I think that maybe I forgot to move my left had to the center of the bar, leaving it on the hood, and when I took my right hand off to adjust my shorts I lost balance. The road was also a little oily and slick, which probably didn't help. Either that, or my bike was so astonished to still be with the group, that it just threw itself at the pavement in an effort to help establish the gap that normally exists for me on a Saturday ride :)
Whatever the reason, boy am I stiff tonight. I have some nice road rash on my hip, and it feels like I pulled a muscle in my groin, but hopefully I will feel better later in the week for some of the group rides.
After eating a nice breakfast with a bunch of farmers at the Trails End Cafe in Adams, we rode to Cortland where we refilled our bottles and met up with Dave R., who joined us for the last 20 miles home. When we pulled into the Wilderness Perk parking lot towards the finish of the ride, we were met with this:

All in all, it was about 67 miles, at an average pace of 17.8 mph. Thanks to Kevin and Adrian for showing up early, and (especially Adrian, 'cause I know he wouldn't have minded going a lot faster) for keeping a reasonable pace that kept us together for pretty much the whole ride.
Thank you Bob for getting my butt outta bed early. It was a great morning! The pace was perfect...we got thru those rollers in no time.
I wouldn't mind doing it again. Kevin - you beleive the story Bob is saying about why he went down?
I noticed this morning that the average pace on the Tour de France final stage for the first 20-30 miles has been 15.7 mph. We could have crushed those guys.
Or maybe not.
Nice ride guys. I was starting to get fatiged at the end -- the last 10-15 miles.
Adrian: I guess I'll buy Bob's story only because it doesn't sound near as flattering as if I would have come up with an excuse.
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